- Gallery View Databases

Gallery View Databases

Galleries are Notion's most visual database view. Use them to showcase beautiful photos for mood boards, team directories, vacation photos and more.

Learn more about Galleries in our Help & Support Center here: https://www.notion.so/Galleries-91ff852bc42b4d26bd1e8d7b568844d2

#productivity #...
Galleries are Notion's most visual database view. Use them to showcase beautiful photos for mood boards, team directories, vacation photos and more.

Learn more about Galleries in our Help & Support Center here: https://www.notion.so/Galleries-91ff852bc42b4d26bd1e8d7b568844d2

#productivity #remote working #remote work tools #spreadsheets #excel #sheets #startup tools #bullet journal #bujo #gtd #getting things done #productivity hacking #life hacks #project management
00:00:00 - 00:00:01: 海洋データベースを使用して、 00:00:04 - 00:00:07: ギャラリー内の写真やその他の画像を美しく紹介できることをご存知ですか。このビデオでは、 00:00:07 - 00:00:08: ギャラリーを 00:00:08 - 00:00:10: ワークスペースに追加し、 00:00:12 - 00:00:14: ボードや海洋ギャラリーなど、 00:00:14 - 00:00:17: 追加したすべてのアイテムを表示するなど、ニーズに応じてカスタマイズする方法を説明します。 カードとして、またすべての 00:00:17 - 00:00:19: カードを独自の海洋ページとして開くことができます。 00:00:19 - 00:00:21: ギャラリーの優れた点は、 00:00:21 - 00:00:23: これらのカードが非常にカスタマイズ可能で、 00:00:25 - 00:00:28: ページのコンテンツのビジュアルまたはプレビューを表示できることです。 00:00:28 - 00:00:30: さまざまな方法を紹介します。 00:00:30 - 00:00:32: このタイプのデータベースを独自のものにすることができます。 00:00:32 - 00:00:35: たとえば、このギャラリーは 00:00:35 - 00:00:37: チーム メンバー全員の写真を表示するチーム ディレクトリです。 00:00:37 - 00:00:40: 最初に、各カードには独自の 00:00:40 - 00:00:42: ページがあり、必要なすべての 00:00:42 - 00:00:44: 情報をプロパティとして追加したり、 00:00:44 - 00:00:47: ページの本文に追加したりできることに注目してください。 役職 オフィスの 00:00:47 - 00:00:50: 場所 好きなデザート LinkedIn のプロフィール 00:00:50 - 00:00:52: とチーム メンバーの写真 00:00:52 - 00:00:54: ご覧のとおり、この写真はギャラリーの 00:00:54 - 00:00:56: カードの表紙に掲載されているものと同じです。 00:00:58 - 00:01:01: ギャラリーに表示する内容を選択するには、プロパティに移動し、 00:01:01 - 00:01:03: カートのプレビューをクリックすると、 00:01:03 - 00:01:06: さまざまなオプションが表示されます。ページのコンテンツは、ページ 00:01:06 - 00:01:08: 内に表示される最初の画像を取得し 00:01:08 - 00:01:11: 、それをカートのカバーとして使用します。 00:01:11 - 00:01:14: ページに画像がない場合は、カードの 00:01:14 - 00:01:15: カバーにカードの一部が表示されます。 00:01:15 - 00:01:19: テキストなどの他のコンテンツ またはToDoリストの 00:01:19 - 00:01:22: ページカバーはページのカバー画像を取得し 00:01:22 - 00:01:25: 、カードカバーとして使用します 00:01:25 - 00:01:29: 最後に、なしオプションを選択すると、 00:01:29 - 00:01:30: カードカバーをまとめて削除できます 00:01:33 - 00:01:36: ギャラリーをフォーマットするための次のオプションはカードサイズです これはかなりきれいです 00:01:36 - 00:01:38: 一目瞭然ですが、 00:01:38 - 00:01:41: 小さい、中、大きいカードを選択できます。デフォルトの 00:01:41 - 00:01:44: 画像比率は 69 ですが、 00:01:44 - 00:01:46: 画像を元の比率で表示したい場合は、画像に合わせるをオン 00:01:46 - 00:01:49: に切り替えるだけです。 00:01:49 - 00:01:51: 画像をカードのフレームに合わせたい場合は、 00:01:51 - 00:01:53: 位置を変更することもできます。 画像の上にマウスを移動し、「 00:01:53 - 00:01:56: 位置変更」をクリックして所定の位置 00:01:56 - 00:01:58: にドラッグします。 00:01:58 - 00:02:00: 最後に、回転できる画像だけを表示したい場合は、 00:02:00 - 00:02:02: プロパティ メニューでこれらのトグルを操作して、 00:02:04 - 00:02:07: カード カバーの下に表示する情報を選択できます。 00:02:09 - 00:02:11: 名前のトグルを含むすべてのトグルが 00:02:11 - 00:02:13: オフになっているため、見た目はすっきりしています。 00:02:16 - 00:02:17: データベースをさまざまな方法で簡単に表示でき、 00:02:17 - 00:02:21: いつでも切り替えることができます。左上のビュー セレクターに移動するだけで、 00:02:25 - 00:02:28: すべての情報をテーブルで表示できます。 00:02:28 - 00:02:30: 他のタイプのデータベース ビューの使用方法について詳しくは、ギャラリーをご覧ください。 00:02:30 - 00:02:34: カレンダー テーブル リストとボードのビデオをご覧ください。


📋 #notion





Intro - First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion


First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion
00:00:00 - 00:01:06
The Founding Story - First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion

The Founding Story

First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion
00:01:06 - 00:04:55
The Early Days - First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion

The Early Days

First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion
00:04:55 - 00:11:43
Reaching Product-Market-Fit - First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion

Reaching Product-Market-Fit

First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion
00:11:43 - 00:17:53
Building a Lean Team - First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion

Building a Lean Team

First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion
00:17:53 - 00:19:58
Building for All: The Tradeoffs - First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion

Building for All: The Tradeoffs

First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion
00:19:58 - 00:27:09
Creating a Global Community - First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion

Creating a Global Community

First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion
00:27:09 - 00:30:19
Scaling Company Culture - First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion

Scaling Company Culture

First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion
00:30:19 - 00:37:13
The Future of AI - First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion

The Future of AI

First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion
00:37:13 - 00:44:32
A Day in the Life of Ivan Zhao and Simon Last - First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion

A Day in the Life of Ivan Zhao and Simon Last

First Block: Interview with Ivan Zhao and Simon Last, Co-Founders of Notion
00:44:32 - 00:50:17
— Intro - Notion 2.38: Video Release Note

— Intro

Notion 2.38: Video Release Note
00:00:00 - 00:00:04
— Home - Notion 2.38: Video Release Note

— Home

Notion 2.38: Video Release Note
00:00:04 - 00:00:20
— My tasks - Notion 2.38: Video Release Note

— My tasks

Notion 2.38: Video Release Note
00:00:20 - 00:00:37
— Database buttons - Notion 2.38: Video Release Note

— Database buttons

Notion 2.38: Video Release Note
00:00:37 - 00:00:57
— Template creator profiles - Notion 2.38: Video Release Note

— Template creator profiles

Notion 2.38: Video Release Note
00:00:57 - 00:01:20
this is the feature!!! 😮 - Notion 2.38: Video Release Note

this is the feature!!! 😮

Notion 2.38: Video Release Note
2024年02月27日  @54peace 様 
00:00:59 - 00:02:20
— Shorten URLs in databases - Notion 2.38: Video Release Note

— Shorten URLs in databases

Notion 2.38: Video Release Note
00:01:20 - 00:01:29
— Act on mobile push notifs - Notion 2.38: Video Release Note

— Act on mobile push notifs

Notion 2.38: Video Release Note
00:01:29 - 00:01:48
— Swipe to favorite/delete on mobile - Notion 2.38: Video Release Note

— Swipe to favorite/delete on mobile

Notion 2.38: Video Release Note
00:01:48 - 00:02:00
— Database UX improvements - Notion 2.38: Video Release Note

— Database UX improvements

Notion 2.38: Video Release Note
00:02:00 - 00:02:20
Intro - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners


First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:00:00 - 00:01:32
Becoming an Entrepreneur - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

Becoming an Entrepreneur

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:01:32 - 00:05:13
Co-Founder Relationships - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

Co-Founder Relationships

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:05:13 - 00:08:58
Growing the Team - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

Growing the Team

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:08:58 - 00:13:53
Building an Authentic Community - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

Building an Authentic Community

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:13:53 - 00:19:57
Learning to Be a CEO - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

Learning to Be a CEO

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:19:57 - 00:22:18
Being an Immigrant - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

Being an Immigrant

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:22:18 - 00:25:09
The Positivity of Silicon Valley - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

The Positivity of Silicon Valley

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:25:09 - 00:28:06
The Life after Acquisition - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

The Life after Acquisition

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:28:06 - 00:32:04
Becoming an Investor - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

Becoming an Investor

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:32:04 - 00:35:40
Base10 - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners


First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:35:40 - 00:38:55
The Ultimate Diversity - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

The Ultimate Diversity

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:38:55 - 00:41:48
A Day in the Life of Ade Ajao - First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners

A Day in the Life of Ade Ajao

First Block: Interview with Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Base10 Partners
00:41:48 - 00:45:22