タイムテーブル - Nikki Davidson - Notion Guide Nikki Davidsonのタイムテーブルです。 https://notion.streamdb.net/timelines-rss/c/UC09Te9DYf0L6SoyCqIGaFsg Mon, 29 May 23 21:00:48 +0900 Part I - Webhook Button(00:00:05 - 00:04:40) https://notion.streamdb.net/timelines/v/vLWNybf7-GM/s/5/e/280 Mon, 29 May 23 21:00:48 +0900 Supercharge Your Productivity: Automating Notion with Webhooks. Part II - Database Webhook Formula(00:04:40 - 00:09:44) https://notion.streamdb.net/timelines/v/vLWNybf7-GM/s/280/e/584 Mon, 29 May 23 21:00:48 +0900 Supercharge Your Productivity: Automating Notion with Webhooks.