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Ali Abdaal

Ali Abdaal

Check out my New York Times bestselling book Feel-Good Productivity! 📚 Hey, I'm Ali, a doctor turned entrepreneur, and the world’s most followed productivity expert 😜 On this channel, we explore evidence-based strategies and tools that can help us ...


Notion is the connected workspace for your docs, projects, and knowledge. You know that feeling of calm and clarity that comes from having everything organized and in its place? That's what we want for you and your team. We'll use this channel to share tutorials, tips, inspiration, and stories a...
Notion Japan

Notion Japan

ドキュメントの作成・共有、プロジェクトの管理、ナレッジの整理 - Notionはすべてが一箇所で実現できるコネクテッドワークスペースです。 Notionに関するお問い合わせは team@makenotionまで。 Twitter: @NotionJP
Keep Productive

Keep Productive

The world's best place to discover and learn productivity tools. Keep Productive aims to make productivity software easier to understand. There is a tool for everything so we create videos and courses to help you match to the perfect productivity tools for you. Our resources are designed to make...


Helping you be more organized and productive with simple tips and tools.
Thomas Frank Explains

Thomas Frank Explains

Notion tutorials and other deep dives into productivity tools with Thomas Frank.
Tsuburaya | 少しマニアックな Notion の使い方解説

Tsuburaya | 少しマニアックな Notion の使い方解説

Notion 公式アンバサダーの Yuji Tsuburaya です。 中〜上級者向けの少しマニアックな Notion の使い方動画を投稿しています。 ▼ こんな方にオススメのチャンネルです ・Notion を使いこなしてタスク管理術をマスターしたい ・企業に Notion を導入して生産性をアップさせたい ▼ Notion を導入したい企業さまへ 株式会...
大石結花 // Yuka Ohishi

大石結花 // Yuka Ohishi

大石結花は、ニューヨーク在住のデジタルクリエイターです。 テクノロジーを通してクリエイティビティが刺激されるようなコンテンツを配信しています。 是非チャンネル登録お願いします🙌 ✨✨JOIN YUKA'S STUDIO✨✨ メンバーシップに加入すると、特別なバッジ・絵文字が使えるようになり、メンバー限定のDiscordチャットや...
Shubham SHARMA

Shubham SHARMA

Lancez, validez et concrétisez vos idées en ligne. Chaque semaine, je vous guide pour devenir plus efficaces dans votre vie personnelle et professionnelle. Grâce aux méthodes et outils technologiques que je montre, vous gagnerez en compétences et en confiance pour finalement atteindre vos objec...
Chris's Notion

Chris's Notion

I'm sort of a Notion Wizard Sharing my Notion journey teaching others how to build life-management systems to manage their life (with style). Subscribe for Notion things and check out my links :)
Demetri Panici - Productivity Coach

Demetri Panici - Productivity Coach

Hi, my name is Demetri Panici. I'm an app expert, productivity coach, and content creator. I spend most of my days working on growing my online community by posting videos, articles, and podcasts. My goal is to help everyone build a better life and I hope that you find value in what I create for...
Danny Talks Tech

Danny Talks Tech

I make videos about research, tech, and other related topics.
Productividad con Ruben Loan

Productividad con Ruben Loan

Lo cierto es que Loan no es mi apellido, mi verdadero nombre es Rubén López pero si buscas mi nombre en Google verás que Rubén López también es Mister Universo. Posicionar mi marca personal iba a ser algo muy difícil así que decidí cambiar mi apellido para que fuese más sencillo encontrarme. Soy...


Notionと生産的な暮らし / Notion / 便利サービス / タスク管理 はじめまして。Notion公式アンバサダーのReiです。 フルタイムで働きつつ、YouTubeで活動しています。 書籍「Notionライフハック」発売中&祝重版決定🎉 このチャンネルでは、Notionを中心に、忙しい社会人の暮らしを助けるモノ・サービスを紹介して...
Red Gregory

Red Gregory

Produtive Me

Produtive Me

O Produtive.Me é uma iniciativa para tornar a sua vida mais produtiva Por aqui, falamos sobre ferramentas e técnicas de produtividade para que você tenha mais tempo pra você, seus projetos e sua família. Vamos juntos tornar o mundo um lugar mais produtivo :)
시리얼 Sireal

시리얼 Sireal

조직의 업무 방식 개선을 위한 강의, 컨설팅을 제공합니다. 시리얼을 먹는 것처럼 업무를 간편하게 만들어주는 협업툴 컨설턴트 시리얼입니다. Notion 강의 전문가, Notion 영상의 바이블 💡 NotionHQ 인증 공식 컨설턴트(2020.06 ~ ) : 💡 강의 및 컨설팅 문의 : https://sir...
Organize com Notion

Organize com Notion

Quer se organizar usando o Notion? Esse canal é pra você! Olá, eu sou a Taty! Meu objetivo com esse canal é ajudar outras pessoas a aprender Notion de uma forma simples e descomplicada. Aqui você vai encontrar tutoriais e dicas práticas para organizar sua vida, aproveitando ao máximo o que o ...


こんにちは、NorthSandのよーじろーです🙋‍♂️ 当チャンネルではNotionの最新情報やユースケースなどを中心に発信をしております。たまにガジェットの情報配信もしております💻 皆様のお役に立てるよう頑張りますので、チャンネル登録や応援のほど宜しくお願いいたします!


都内で働くデザイナー / Designship Do 代表。普段は教育事業を運営しつつ、WEBサービスやアプリ&事業開発をサポートしています。 このチャンネルでは私の経験からおすすめできるサービスやアプリや、ガジェット、考え方を分かりやすく発信しています🌞🫰 ▼お仕事の依頼はこちらから e-mail:[email protected]...
Leonardo Oliveira | Allma Educação

Leonardo Oliveira | Allma Educação

Hey, eu sou o Léo! CEO da Allma Educação. Bem vindo(a) ao canal dedicado a ensinar os métodos mais inovadores e eficientes de produtividade a aprendizado essencialistas. Sou um dos pioneiros da gestão do conhecimento no Brasil, e minha missão é ensinar e viver a vida essencialista e significat...
Khe Hy - RadReads

Khe Hy - RadReads

RadReads helps ambitious professionals lead examined, productive, and joyful lives. You’ll learn about productivity through the lens of leverage ($10K Work), how to create an anti-fragile career, and examine money as an entry point to life’s bigger questions of legacy and enough.
Marie Poulin

Marie Poulin

Life, business, and workflow design. I help ambitious business owners design their life and business systems, so they can make space for growth. Ultimately, I believe entrepreneurship offers us a chance to design our businesses and lives with more intention and possibility. I want to live a goo...
William Nutt

William Nutt

William Nutt is the founder of Nutt Labs, an integrated digital strategy firm and Notion consultancy in New York. As a foremost Notion expert, he hosts Notion's webcast Notion at Work and runs the authoritative website Notion VIP (, where he publishes tools and insights to help users m...
Daniel Canosa

Daniel Canosa

This channel focuses on using Notion for businesses. In it, you'll learn how to build lean and straightforward systems and automation to convert your business into a machine. Feel free to connect with me on Twitter at @dcanosa Here if you wanna partner up to build your Notion system: https://s...
The Productive Engineer

The Productive Engineer

This channel is all about how to be more productive.
KuniChannel _ Notion

KuniChannel _ Notion

くにチャンネルです。 くにちゃんが、便利やな、おもろいなって思ったことを紹介していきます。 当チャンネルはを宣伝しリンクすることによって紹介料を獲得できる手段を提供することを目的に設定されたアフィリエイトプログラムである、Amazonアソシエイト・プログラムの参加者です。
The Notion Coach

The Notion Coach

Elena Madrigal

Elena Madrigal

Murali Balaraman

Murali Balaraman

Hi, My Name is Murali. Welcome to my Channel. I am a seasoned Management Consultant focused on Performance Improvement and Transformation. Over the years, I have been exposed to tips and techniques surrounding strategies, personal and workplace productivity and entrepreneurial growth, which are ...